Assalamualaikum and hello pada semua...
I think better for me to type in Malay. You know lah, my english not that good. So, may be campur2 saja kali ah. Anyway, I just got time to update my blog and so now,I am here and blogging. Actually, there are still many things to update but just dunno why, I felt so lazy to update. Even, my friend Suzi pun complain tadi, kenapa inda be update my blog ah.To be frank, I wasn't in a good mood lately. So sensitive and mudah lakas marah. Sebab atu malas rasanya kan update my blog. Banyak lagi gambar kan di upload di sini including gambar masa b'day di blog my friend and my sis plang sudah ada gambar2 masa Shasha birthday. But I will upload more pictures here next coming few days. Insya Allah. There were so many activities masa cuti sekolah. mm...kira last holiday atu ah, mm..kira BOUNCER TIME lah. Even myself, I played bouncer 2 kali masa cuti and my nieces main 4 kali masa cuti ani. kiranya, last holday atu, banyakkan wet activities lah. But we had so mch fun.
Hari ani, hari pertama balik ke sekolah selepas cuti penggal kedua. Siuk udah cuti 15 hari, but honestly ah, inda cukup bah 15 hari ah. hehe...mau kan cuti lagi. Well, as I expected, all the teacher's faces looked so tired. Selalunya bangun akhir masa cuti, mm..ani nah, bangun awal chek.hehe...Well, tadi di sekolah, me and Princess Scrapper select students yang kan dibawa untuk persembahan choir untuk hari guru. And the selected one nanti kan di bawa ke to one of a school untuk berlatih. mm..payah jua kan memilih students ani. Kami memilih bukan saja pasal suara, but also kami meliat dari segi disiplin jua. Payah saja nanti kalau ada disiplin problem. mm..esok mesti ditapis lagi students atu much lah actuallynya today.
Kelmarin, hari pertama Shasha training inda makai pampers.hehe..macam2 kisahnya. I think ah, ia tukar seluar 5 kali kelmarin. and bekisah jua ia inda be pampers ani. Kami atu kan biasakan supaya ia pandai bekamih sendiri di jamban since ia sudah 2 tahun ani kan. Biar ia pandai awal. Well, mm...ada jua cerita yang mungkin inda akan dilupakan sampai bila2...hehe...begini ceritanya...
Masa Tengahari atu, Shasha join babahnya di katil and at that time I was already out from our room. I have to make sure our lunch was ready. Kali nya...dengan tiba-tiba..ada kedengarn satu suara memanggil namaku..hehe...
Hubby: Lai, ke mari dulu you...
Me: ah, kenapa?
Hubby: Cuba you liat ni apa...
Me: haha... (Guess What?)...dengan ketawa ku yang terbahak-bahak..dan terus berkata..TAYI NYA JUA TU...ahah...
Basar kali ah tayinya and luckily first, kan ngambil gambar that thing..hehe...tapinya my hubby, kasian, inda tah jadi.
Dengan tidak semena-mena, aku tarus lah ambil lagi, di putik le...inda kan disapu...kwang3..and then buang di toilet tarus di flush. haha...lapas atu kan, kan menuju meja makan...sikit lagi lupa mencuci tangan...oppss...tapi ku cuci eh tangan ku...hehe...
Last Tuesday, 2nd week of cuti sekolah, my hubby and I watched a movie di Qlap Cinema. Kami liat ceta 'Get Smart'. You guys should watch it. Siuk lah and cali. mm..I give it 9/10 lah.hehe...lawa, aku ani jarang jua meliat english movie ani.hehe...and mikirkan kan meliat movie lagi, this week or next week. Yang ku dangar ceta Dark Night (Batman) will release next week or this week kah.hehe..inda ku runding drang my mum tido di rumah tu.kasian jua Shasha tinggal di rumah sama my discuss with them later. They will definitely do anything for Shasha, cucu kesayangan drang.hehe...
Anyway, I think..ani saja kali.feel tired kan nyambung panjang2.kalau ada masa, will post more more stories.hehe...byezzz....
That's all that I can share for now,
Loves from MamaShasha

On the 15th June 2008 was unforgettable day for us and our family. Firstly, my little princess Nurin Shasha's Birthday, Secondly, Father's Day and ilastly t was a great my hubby's family gathering day. On that day, they were ordering a party bouncer. kami ke rumah my in laws, mm...we brought along our wet attire...hehe..dun get me wrong, swimming suit...hehe...just a short and a first, malu-malu kan main. hehe...sampai drang my in laws pushed me to the bouncer.hehe..nah, udah merasa..balik2 plang naik and slide down.
Lain case for my Nurin Shasha, she had a great time too..berandam di dalam pool with her cousins,uncles and inda mau kan keluar dari sana. But babahnya bawa ia main bouncer jua, tapi dua kali saja. inda dapat terlampau malar, pasalnya belum sesuai untuk umurnya hehe...but she enjoyed a lot. And we had a luck draw. Each family were instructed to prepare 7 items for the lucky draw. lucky number was 17,Shasha's 9 and my hubby's number was 24. mm...may be it was just a coincident, Shasha's number was 9 and her present labelled number 9 too.hehe...
Anyway, last sekali I want to say, Happy 2nd Birthday to anak Mama, Nurin Shasha. Mama and Babah will always love you sayang. Stay cute and smart always....Love you sayang
That's all that I can share for now,
Loves from MamaShasha
On the 14th June was our last day of school. Anyway, we had an aerobic session instructed by my sister, Ejah. She was invited to instruct the session on that day. The requests made by some of the teachers from Sekolah Katok. After the session, we had a cleaning campaign and later on, we had a lepak2 at staffroom with Miss 125, Ain, Teddy kuma and ShineGirl. We had a long chit-chat and laught a lot. haha...ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ...Well, orang-orangnya saja paham tu.hehe....

Then, we discussed kan lunch out. Awal2 kan makan di Ahan Thai saja, but then Ain menyabut Ambuyat.So, kami lunch out di Aminah Arif @ Kiulap. Just 5 of us, Ain,Ejah, Ernie, Hjh Fizah and myself. mm...nyaman kali ah, really had a great time guys. Thanks.Lain kali lagi, sama Scrapper Maya lagi.hehe...

That's all that I can share for now,
Loves from MamaShasha
Hello ppl,
last Tuesday night,on the 10th June... we had a family dinner out at Escapade Sushi. That time we decided to bring along my Shasha.hehe..then, she ate Pataya Fried Rice, I dunno what does it called in japanese. As usual we ordered Futomaki, Mini Salmon Mayo, Philadelphia Maki and etc.hehe...

After that, we went to Hua Ho Manggis Mall to buy some things for Shasha's birthday party. Yeah, we will celebrating her birthday this coming Friday on the 20th June. Here, I am posting some of the pictures of Shasha with her new balls she just bought.

That's all that I can share for now,
Loves from MamaShasha
Hello again ppl,
I am back.hehe...actually, at the moment I am watching Autumn In My Heart. I heard before about this korean series from friends. They told me the story is really nice.In fact, Autumn In My Heart was the first korean series played at TV3 during late 90's, before Winter Sonata. I just bought the Autumn In My heart Dvd last few nights. So, now I am watching it. So far, to me it is a very nice story and really touched. How strong their love is. Che Wah...jiwang pulak ye...Alamak, terlebih sudah.haha...can't wait to finish up this story and really want to know what is the end of this love story.hehe...Anyway..gtg...kan sambung meliat lagi.Byezzz
That's all that I can share for now,
Loves from MamaShasha
Hello ppl,
now I am proud to say I am now in my room and blogging.hehe..all these while, online pun menumpang wi-fi orang.hehe..inda tau wi fi sapa plang. But thanks to the owner atu, mudahan dimurahkan rezeki. Anyway, before ani pun, kalau kan online pu di luar bilik, pasalnya it is hard to get the signal kalau di bilik. BUt now I can online di sayang membali Broadband with the router and also MACBOOK. hehe...I didn't know pasal sayang membali MacBook atu. It was inside a box. Kali ku tanya my sayamg, what is it insdie that box? I thought barang nya yang di ordernya kah ni sampai dari US. Nya my jacket baru sampai dari US.Then, he asked me to open the box.MMM..lain plang rasanya idah membuka the a surprise, MacBook dalam atu.hehe..I was just smiling and looked at a surprise.Anyway, thanks sayang. I know it is for me..LOL...haha...tau alai deh, it is yours.But what yours is also mine kan??LOL...
Ok...continue again later. I will upload pictures esok-esok k.hehe...
That's all that I can share for now,
Loves from MamaShasha
Hello ppl,
I decided to type in everything come across in my mind. I haven't filled in the topic about. I am totally blank and don't know what to say in here. Well, I am having Mr Moon at the moment (to ernie, sorry ah minjam word mu haha) seems that I am not in a good mood lately. mm..I tend to have so many characters in me in every second. LOL...mun namanya PMS hehe...but lately, I just want to eat something salty and spicy.In fact, before my Mr Moon appeared, lada padi pun aku kenyamanan and deifinitely ku papak tu lada ah. mm..yummy. that's what I always did before my period.
Last Tuesday, I was supposed to have an appointment with one of the doctor from Onclogy at ENT clinic. But they told me that he will be in around 10 plus and they asked me to go somewhere else dulu. Ngam jua on that day, Bapa was admitted in Wad 22 because he will be having endoscopy around 10 plus jua. Since, we will be headed to the same buliding, I was just waiting for the time di sana. Kali nya, udah sampai di ENT clinic, mm..suddenly they told me that Dr Shafiq was on leave till upsetting. BUt what to do..udah cuti kan, cannot do anything. So, we just came in and see Dr Sharma and he had a check on my that everything was ok. Nyaman jua rasa hati udah ok atu, but he asked to take a blood test to see my hormone level. So, ambil darah and then balik semula ke Endoscopy unit. We were waiting for bapa at that time. After that, aorund pukul 11 lalu, bapa keluar. I decided tarus balik since I was really, malamnya my sayang and I visited bapa.Di sana, we met Bongsu Bakar & Family, G Pyan & Wife, Ka Jah & Rahman, Pijal, tua, Angah bini and laki...balik dalam pukul 9 lalu. Kasian jua kami kan Shasha di rumah.Kalau inda, may be kan makan luar kali malam tu.
Anyway, apa2 lagi..karang tah update.hehe..
That's all that I can share for now,
Loves from MamaShasha
Hello Ppl,
I didn't update my blog since last, last Friday I cut my hair. The shortest one I ever had.hehe...let it be. Bejalan pun pakai tudong jua kan. Unless if inda betudong, ku permed kali..hehe..alamak, terlebih sudah.haha...after that, my hubby and I went to Hua Ho Tutong to buy barang2 untuk masak nasi ayam for the next day kan di bawa ke sekolah. Well, as usual kalau sudah di Tutong, around 7-ish we should go back to Bandar sudah. Luckily, sudah sampai rumah, Shasha tidur tarus and staright away go to the kitchen preapring bahan2 untuk masak nasi ayam. I just buat sambal ladanya that night jua. Suapay inda rushing the next day nya. Then, I took my shower and solat Isyak, meliat Tv kajapz and then tarus tidur.
The next day, I woke up at 4.45 am. Well, solat subuh dulu and then mm...biasa lah, start masak nasi and then buat sos kicapnya. After that, potong2 ayam and simpan di dalam aluminum container. At 6.15, everyting was done. Took my shower and pakai baju. by 6.40 am zoom tarus jalan. Tapi inda tarus ke sekolah. I went to the hospital, sampai di sana pukul 6.55 am. Becoz menghantar nasi ayam to my friends, Ying (ngam kaja di wad 10) and then ke Wad 14. Just make it short lah ah, di wad 14, I was visiting my friend yang baru beranak. Actually nya, masak nasi ayam untuk kan menyampaikn liurnya kan makan nasi ayam ku. Kalinya, beranak awal tia jua. Patutnya ia beranak awal bulan pada kempunan, ku hantar tah nasi ayam arahnya pagi atu jua.mmm...i feel bad plang banarnya, lambat ku masak nasi ayam atu. beranak ia udah, baru tah ia makan. mm..tapi apa boleh buat, with my condition sebelum ani, alum ku teungkayah kan masak. So, ngam masak untuk di sekolah and then tarus kan saja. At least, makan ia akhirnya jua.
Then, felt glad pasalnya nasi ayamku habis. Alhamdulilah. Sampai ada yang menapau. Baik jua udah tu, daripada inda habis. hehe...then, sebalah patang, I invited Suzi ke rumah untuk makan nasi ayam. Kasian jua kan, dari hari atu udah ku gtau pasal nasi ayam ani. Tapi alum jua ia makan. Drang sampai pukul 4 pm and then makan drang tarus. Ngam Sharul at that time with her,so ku suruh selajur kan saja. hehe...Around 5 ish, I went to my parents-in-law's house and there we met G Pyan and Wife and then biasalah orang rumah yang lain, Ka jah and family, Bapa and Babu.. Minum2 sana..ada cucur udang..yummy. Nyaman.hehe...kami balik almost 7pm. I was really exhausted that day and inda ku ikut ke function Ngangah Bukit. Just had a rest di rumah saja.
Sunday...seperti biasa, my hubby riding with my bro-in-law. Then, ngam drang minum di Brunei Chicken Rice di Anngerek Desa. My bro-in-law was offering me to join them.Then, mandi and zoomed tarus ke sana. I had Chicken Rice jua..but I ate only half of the rice.LOL...banar eh.hehe...Then, balik rumah...solat Zuhur and suruh Shasha siap2 kan jalan. We went to rumah my bro-in-law's di Jalan Bedil.hehe...we felt bored jua di rumah, so just bawa my Shasha ke sana lah. Seperti biasa, Kaka Siti, Kaka Sofi and Abang Azhar entertained my Shasha. Kami sampai sana dalam pukul 1-ish and then balik pukul 8-ish. Ka nim offered us to have our dinner di sana. Inda sah kalau inda balik akhior kalau di sana atu.hehe..dari dulu sampai sekarang. But liat masanya jua, kalau time exam, inda kami ke sana. Inda mau mengacau drang, I think that's all for now.hehe..malas tah kan membuat dalam bahasa Inggeris, tunggang tebalik bunyinya.hehe...
That's all that I can share for now,
Loves from MamaShasha
Singapore,19th May-25th May 08
Hello ppl,
as I promised earlier, I will be posting some of our pictures while we were in Singapore. Eventhough I didn't enjoy that much since I was there for my treatment but still unforgettable moment one in my life. I will upload a picture when I was in my first class ward where I was isolated for 3 days.Enjoy your view.....

Shasha & Babah On A Plane

Our Room No

Our first lunch destination, Delifrance di Paragon ...I know...malas kan mengusai lagi ah...

Shasha with her first Barney toy and bought it from Toys R Us @ Paragon..(am I spelling it correctly?) 
These are the items that I got from my first shopping. Two trousers from Marks&Spencer (Paragon), the bracelets and HandBag I bought it from OG.

Baju2 Shasha...baru first

This is a picture of me in a room where I was isolated for 3 days and I looked so tiring

Picture of Us. Gambar pun inda boleh dakat with Shasha. First day after the day I was discharged.Mesti avoid Shasha 1 meter away for three days after the treatment

A picture of me in our hotel room before we went out to the Orchard Road. I look pale, didn't I?

Shasha at Paragon,Orchard Road (Sexy eh anak mama)

Gambar Uncu Pijal, Shasha and Babah di dapan Takasihimaya Building

My Family di dapan Takashimaya Building

Picture of us (My family and my maid) arah water fountain yang ada di dapan Takashimaya.

Shasha bagi susu to her baby..hehe...

A picture of Shasha having morning buffet breakfast at Carousel Cafe @ Royal Plaza On Scott Hotel
Our last day of having morning buffet breakfast at Carousel Cafe

Picture of us di lobby Hotel Royal On Scott

This is one of my favourite spot. As what you can see, there are candles right behind us.

MamaShasha, Shasha and Siah in our room (Lepas ku abis treatment, happened that I chat with her.Then, ia ngam at that time having training di Singapore.So, we met, chit-chat, jalan2, watched movie).My face looks swelling pasal one of the side effect ubat radio-iodine)

Mama & Shasha

Karenah Shasha...yang inda pandai teranah.Payah udah kan mengambil gambarnya
Our picture before we were flying back to Brunei
*Well, these are the only pictures that I can share with you people. OK. Now,time shows 1.17am. Feel so tiring and want to take my nap. Didn't take any rest for the whole day. Ok....byezzz for now......
That's all that I can share for now,
Loves from MamaShasha
Will post more pictures in here...
Hello ppl,
I will post more pictures in here especially our pictures when we were in Singapore. Eventhough, it wasn't that much like our last holiday trip to singapore in December, but it will be a memorable one to me and my family. family and I will be having a night at my parent's house. So, first thing I want to do is kan transfer all the pictures we have taken to my laptop. then, will be posted in here. k. Got to go...byezz...
That's all that I can share for now,
Loves from MamaShasha
Hello and morning ppl,
now the time shows 8.08am. I just came in to my ICT Lab.I am late for work today. Baru pukul 8 ani ku datang kaja. I forgot to set wakey alarm last night LOL. So, I woke up at 7 am and I just straight away sent sms to my principal. At least, I have to inform him that I will be come in late for work. Yesterday, I didn't take any nap and rest for the whole day. I was home at 4.15 pm. Then, spent my time with Shasha and we watched an Indonesian movie at TV3. The title was Dongeng Putri Tidur and 3 Peri. It was a bit similar to Sleeping Beauty. Even, my Sayang had no choice, ikut tia jua meliat.hehe...
Even last night, I didn't feel very well actually, my tangan sebalah kiri sangal and sakit sikit. I just dunno why. May be, it was because of thyroxine yang ku makan atu kali. Hopefully, my calcium ok masa ani. Actually, there are some side effects that I have now after taking thyroxine. Sometimes, it was hard for to breath (difficulty breathing), muscle cramps, sweating (especially my palm, which I dun feel comfortable with it),swelling face, far atu yang side effects yang ada. I have to take this medicine for the rest of my life.Ya tah, since kelmarin no rest at all and lupa setting alarm lagi, terakhir bangun this morning. I am just too tired kali. mm..ok lah...I will be having a class in five minutes time. Byeezzzz
That's all that I can share for now,
Loves from MamaShasha
Lunch out with Maya & 4 teruna pingitan...
Hello ppl,
today we had a staff development and presented by Ustaz Hj Muslim. It was all about how to read Al-Quran in a proper way...mesti ikut tajwid. Actually, I didn't know about the staff development till Saiful told us. mm...kalau inda, dapat udah escape.hehe...So, as soon as we know about it, me and Cg Maya decided to lunch out together at Soto Rindu, Giant. Awal2 atu kami saja kan pegi,sekalinya I recieved sms from Cg Saiful, betanya kami kan ke mana.hehe...kali nya ku, kami kan lunch out. Nya, kan lunch out mana?hehe...then...Cg Saiful, Cg Ahmad, Cg Sharul and Cg Eldi ikut tah kami lunch di sana. Nya drang out of idea kan lunch di mana. So, six of us lunch out lah. hehe...Drang inda mau ambil gambar, pictures will be posted in here. Semua drang atu malu2 belaka.hehe...Cg Saiful mesti balik awal sikit pasal ia ada bengkel lagi di MOE..So, kami lepak sana sampai pukul 2.Then, me and Cg Maya ke Guardian.biasalah, kalau inda membali inda sah.Anyway...that's it kali lah for activity hari ani. Byezzz
That's all that I can share for now,
Loves from MamaShasha
Hello ppl,
as u can see the title above, today I am back to work after 2 weeks on medical leave lapas my just feel tired lately. Even yesterday, I didn't go anywhere and I was just staying at home. entah ah..macam lalah banar yesterday. I had to have a rest since I have to work today. Siuk udah cuti 2 minggu..hehe...tapi inda apa...lapas 2 minggu kaja cuti lagi..hehe.. Even my hubby kan membawa arah my parents in law pun aku inda ikut. bukan apa, just ngalih banar ku kelmarin. mm...ada my mum-in-law tapaukan lamb...hehe...nyaman jua.makan sikit saja, becoz hari atu makan daging ah saja. Takut sakit kepala jadinya. Semalam I had ambuyat for my dinner and the cacah pakai kuah daging kicap, campur asam jawa and lada
That's all that I can share for now,
Loves from MamaShasha